Fly Over the Rainbow

Fly Over the Rainbow

Flying through the breeze. Let me fly over the rianbow, just sow I can see. Oh let me bee, close to you. Oh yes my heart flutters with this view. Don't you know it's the rainbow, everything does grow. Every where I feel you, you're the rainbow show. Yes, I want to know. Yes I want to know how to fill your rainbow!

And in my heart, I feel it sharp, I want to be near you. If only I could fly that rainbow, then I could be close to you. Let me fly. Let me fly. Let me fly where the rainbow divides. Let me fly. Let me fly, sow I can be your eyes. Let me sea. Let me sea, oh the greatest thing I believe, that you are part of this rainbow, and I can sail in the wind free. You are part of me!

Grandfather Standing By Me our Oh Take My Hand. This is her heart as she gifts her love, all the rainbow knows it's grand. Her rainbow colors are white/star, rainbow, yellow, gray. White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings and Flutes. Her rainbow colors are crystal/pearl, yellow, green, gray. Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. Alightfromwithin.Org
(Drums Only) Hop Skip Jump Along the Red Road (Sacred Song Blessing) Rainbow Color Shine Out of Me Heal My Heart (Short) and WE will Be an ARC! White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings Complete Song Link Here

Thank you for visiting Rainbow Streams (colors)

Relatives of the Rainbow,
You are in the right place if you are seeking about your sacred four rainbow colors. You have probably heard terms like crystal, indigo, rainbow, silver and other colors. However, the evolutionary process of learning about the Rainbow Clan, depends on your receiving these Great Treasures and Powers you hold. We await for your returning to your Rainbow Colors that Stream in the air! Email *White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother at, an elder **crystal child to ask and receive your Great Treasures, and to verify the four rainbow colors (crystalline form) that blow in the winds for you!

Your devoted servants, White Buffalo Calf Woman and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star, elder crystal and elder lavender child, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

*This is the Great Name, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother. Together, united feminine/soul heaven and masculine/flesh earth. The first name is the heavenly mission. The second name are the earthly tools of light or rainbow colors used to achieve your mission upon this world. All beings carry their own Great Name and Sacred Rainbow Colors, seen or unseen, including YOU! In other words, we all carry a GREAT NAME written on your BOOK of LIFE, the crystalline rainbow of "I AM".

**Crystal child (only a crystal child, can read the book of life accurately, however, we all read the book of life of others blowing in the winds, but color and pattern overlay cause much confusion in the wind. Get your facts straight, verify your dreams through each other. We are all part of the same ONENESS divine, relatives of the rainbow clan, learning to chime in unity.

To learn more about terms crystal or indigo visit this blog at

Search Rainbow Colors at SACRED SONG BLESSINGS

Search Rainbow Colors at Crystal Indigo Children

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rainbow Colors "Candy Apples" and Heart Songs "Lullabies"

Uploaded by  on Aug 13, 2011
White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings: Candy Apples And Lullabies (Candy Apples "Rainbow Colors" And Lullabies "Heart Songs")

As Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, we would like to thank all the artists who have shared their works, including software and hardware engineers who keep us smooth sailing. And Relative Artists for their vision used, we bow in your glory. We are grateful for your contributions. We honor you!

Gifted by
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Blog, Lyrics, Access to Files and More

Relatives, Request your four rainbow colors or your very own Sacred Song Blessings, the heart song that flows through you! Please email "White Buffalo Calf Woman" All songs are heard in the wind. All lyrics must be written afterwards (or during by writing) for others to hear to read the star language, the story of heaven, the journey over four rolling hills in time. We enter the yellow rolling hill. You too can sing your heart song, your spoken words in the winds. What we, the Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, refer to as living prayer. I am constantly singing on my walking of our world, to hear your perfection, the soul yearning to explode. Welcome home to your heart, our heart, we together are the golden shine, a light from within, that rings divine!

Coming soon, a Video of Rainbow Colors explained, each color of the rainbow, with new colors that are already here, upon the world and above it. We were not able yet to receive the glory of the universe. However, we are awakening now. This is the only place in the entire world, where you will find this truth about the rainbow colors. Crystal and Indigo Children bring to us the perfection of the flesh and the soul. It's time for you to know your great four rainbow colors that offer you the GREATNESS within to share without, to unite heaven and earth within you. As we learn about the Rainbow Clan, we find that we need each part to the whole, we are RELATIVES of the RAINBOW. This is White Buffalo Calf Woman, an elder crystal child, hear singing for you. Welcome to the New Time ahead, the third rolling hill in time, the dreaming of BROTHERHOOD, with the Rainbow Clan. Aho (may your spirit fly), we begin....